About me

I'm a french producer from France, 23yo and slowly coming back after a break with my passion.

I started around 2017 with some type beats and moved fast into some "hard trap" oriented composition.
The goal was to push the limit of my sound to something more authentic, original and without the need of a vocalist to complete each project.

A few months after, I discovered the wave genre (still pretty close to the trap one imo) and started mixing trap and wave styles.
I'm still experiencing trap mixed with wave even deeper and also something new : techno.
Yes, as an artist finding your own world is hard but trying different things can be fun and help you find new ways to express yourself.

About this website

I'm making this website as a core platform to tell people what i'm doing, where to find my art and to tease some unreleased content.
I did it myself using NextJS 13 with the help of its documentation and my personnal experience in web developpement.